December 03, 2019

Release Notes - January 2020

This fall we have been focusing on a theme called resourcing intelligence. We introduced new view - Competency Analysis - earlier this year and now we are structuring view called Performance Dashboard. With this new dashboard it is possible to setup perfect daily view for your own needs. First widget for your use is simple yet very configurable gauge.

This Dashboard still needs couple of more tweaks before releasing it so it did not make it's way to January release. Even as our main focus has been on this dashboard there is still other smaller things done.

New features:
  • Projectrole merge
  • Unassigned roles  on Utilization report
  • Linking between project member and project task

Project merge
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While merging projects together - it is now possible to automatically merge projectroles together. Previously this operation has kept allocations of different projects strictly separate and left the combining work of allocations to user. This is of course more robust way of doing things but sometimes a simple automation would be nice. And for simple cases this option is a relief.

Utilization report
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Utilization rates report is a strong report for many. And now there is even one more option to use on roles and organizations tabs. With this you can get a feeling of how would your utilization rates look like if all your planned allocations will realize.